Thursday July 28th 2022

We arrived in Oberamegau around 11 o’clock which is in the lower end of the Alps. We had lunch and time for a hour of shopping before the passion which began. The performance was awesome and we all enjoyed 🤗. The first part ended with Jesus being carried off. Then came intermission of 2 1/2 hours. A big hall served all 154 Viking guests a 3 course meal.

Background: The citizens of Oberammergau were spared the ravages of the 30 years war and the Black Death when in 1633 they made a vow to stage a “play of the Passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ every 10 yrs. And in fact, from the day of the vow, no one died of the plague. That tradition of honoring the vow continues today with only one interruption (1940) for good reason.

One thought on “Thursday July 28th 2022

  1. Y’all look grrrrreat and I’m so happy you went!! Can’t wait to hear all about it.

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